According to new research from the Infosys Knowledge Institute, companies can generate over $460 billion in incremental profit if they do three things: improve data practices, trust in advanced AI, and integrate AI with business operations. However, despite high expectations for data and artificial intelligence (AI), most companies fail to act on these areas to convert data science to business value.
Read MoreVictoriaMetrics, the open source, time series database monitoring solution, has revealed its role assisting the monitoring tasks of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the European laboratory for particle physics, CERN.
Read MoreResearch hub will facilitate deeper research and learning into blockchain technology.
Read MoreNTT has launched 360 Observability - the managed service allows organizations to achieve deep visibility over their cloud-native applications, and hybrid IT and multicloud infrastructure correlated to business context across the entire IT stack.
Read MoreEdinburgh Decentralization Index (EDI) will be based on a methodology developed at a leading UK university.
Read MoreDigital Experience Management solution provides EDF in the UK with real-time visibility of end-user experience by delivering actionable insights to inform remediation, improve employee productivity, and transform IT operations.
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