The IT world is fond of buzzwords and talk of the ‘next big thing’. A few years ago, it was the cloud and SaaS, then machine learning and automation, and now you are probably hearing discussion of AIOps and the potential it holds. But what is AIOps? Will it really transform IT and if so, how? By David Cumberworth, Managing Director, EMEA and APAC, Virtana.
Read MoreThe number of regulatory standards and security best practices infrastructure teams have to comply with, and the associated penalties for not doing so, are no laughing matter. By Jonny Stewart, Principal Product Manager, Puppet.
Read MoreIn the digital era, it's now easier than ever to support a remote workforce as so many applications are moving to the cloud. Applications such as Office 365 are ensuring that employees can work from anywhere, which is especially important in the current environment, but this also raises issues for IT managers. By Kathie Lyons, EVP & GM of ParkView at Park Place Technologies.
Read MoreWith the coronavirus outbreak continuing to gather pace, many businesses around the world are having to provide remote access for all their employees, sometimes for the first time. This is being done under pressure to tight time constraints. It’s difficult for anyone to do their best work with deadlines looming, and worries and concerns about the current situation playing on their mind. IT staff are no different. By Alan Stewart–Brown, VP of EMEA at Opengear.
Read MoreBack in 2003 the Harvard Business Review published an article, “The Quest for Resilience” . It stated that “The world is becoming turbulent faster than organisations are becoming resilient.” Fast forward some 17 years and while many companies have improved their ability to respond to the ebbs and flows of business it’s fair to say that no one could have anticipated our current predicament. By Phil Rose, Co-founder Ignium.
Read MoreNow more than ever, organisations are looking to artificial intelligence (AI) and in particular machine learning (ML) to solve complex data challenges and bring new insights and value to an ever-increasing volume of information stored within our business. By Glyn Bowden, SNIA Cloud Storage Technologies Initiative Member; Chief Architect, AI & Data Science Practice at Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
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