In 2015 businesses will start to understand the importance of data classification

2015 predictions come from Bob Plumridge, EMEA CTO at HDS, and also chairman of SNIA Europe.

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Privacy Predictions 2025!

After posting their IT predictions for next year, Varonis decided to assign themselves an even more challenging task. Using recent headlines from the tech press as a baseline, they tried to extrapolate ahead to the year 2025. Where might today’s stories about technology and privacy lead to in ten years if we don’t change how we manage IT security today? asks Andy Green, technical specialist at Varonis.

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Cloud universes will be pulled together in 2015

Insight from Allan Leinwand, VP and CTO, cloud platform and infrastructure at ServiceNow, on the top five cloud trends that will unfold over the next year.

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Going beyond digital

Richard Potter, Group Innovation Director at Steria, offers his technology predictions for 2015 and beyond.

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Mobile ransomware, work-at-home fraud and horrid videos could claim new victims

Mobile ransomware, targeted job fraud and Trojans lurking behind shocking videos are all expected to make their appearance on social media in 2015, antivirus software provider Bitdefender warns.

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DevOps will become front of mind for UK enterprises

As we move into 2015, Chris Jackson, CTO of DevOps Services, Rackspace, takes a more forward-looking approach and shares his thoughts on how DevOps in UK businesses could evolve in the year ahead.

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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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