Exploratory Analytics with Dell EMC Elastic Data Platform

Learn more about transforming your organization with Data Analytics and the Elastic Data Platform.

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Accelerating Medical Research in the age of AI and Big Data

Medical testing today is inefficient, expensive and rarely customized to meet the needs of individual patients. The medical community needs the ability to reimagine medical research, eliminate clinical trials and end human and animal testing.

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HPE and Purdue University - using data and analytics to feed the world more effectively

Unleashing the power of data analytics, with a focus on trying to solve world hunger.

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How to become a data driven organization

Mike Price, Vice President, SAP, Insights & Data at Capgemini discusses the necessary shift companies need to make in order to become a data-driven organization.

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Digitalisation World talks to Quest about the launch of NetVault 13

DW talks to Adrian Moir, Sr. Consultant, Product Management & Lead Technology Evangelist, Quest Software, about the launch of its latest solution, NetVault 13, designed to help customers simply data protection and improve their recovery footprint.

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Digitalisation World talks to Conexus Law – Adjusting to life after lockdown.

Digitalisation World talks to Marilyn Heward-Mills, an employment lawyer at Conexus Law – covering workplace advice for the data centre sector, as both employers and employees adjust to life after lockdown.

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Exploratory Analytics with Dell EMC Elastic Data Platform

Learn more about transforming your organization with Data Analytics and the Elastic Data Platform.

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DW talks to Pulse Secure’s Chief Marketing Officer, Scott Gordon, about the company’s Pulse...
DW talks to Adrian Moir, Sr. Consultant, Product Management & Lead Technology Evangelist, Quest...
DW talks to Pulse Secure’s Chief Marketing Officer, Scott Gordon, about the company’s Pulse...
In the second part of a three part interview, security comes under the spotlight as Digitalisation...
In the first part of a three part interview, Digitalisation World talks with Ian Vickers, CEO of...
Unleashing the power of data analytics, with a focus on trying to solve world hunger.