50 CSPs join Skyhigh Cloudtrust program

Objective and comprehensive assessment of security capabilities helps organisations drive secure adoption of cloud services, lowering risk and cost.

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UK Home Secretary opens new iomart Customer Defined Data Centre

UK Home Secretary The Rt Hon Theresa May MP has officially opened a £multi-million extension to a data centre in her Maidenhead constituency, which is owned and operated by iomart Group plc (AIM: IOM), one of the UK and Europe’s leading cloud companies.

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Cost may play a part, but it’s the business benefits that matter, says Outsourcery

Research highlights the need to emphasise benefits like security and data sovereignty to encourage confidence in G-Cloud amongst local government departments. Since the G-Cloud initiative was launched, local government has erred on the side of caution, with the Cabinet Office revealing that sales on CloudStore in the last year were instead dominated by central government which accounted for 80 per cent of the total. Outsourcery believes that more could be done to communicate the business...

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CIF welcomes Aspect Software to its ranks

Aspect Software, a leading provider of fully-integrated customer interaction management, workforce optimisation, back-office solutions, and award-winning cloud solutions, has become the latest member of the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF).

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HP helps SMEs compete for public sector business through G-Cloud 5

HP offers 200 additional services including secure virtual private cloud, desktop and workplace services.

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South Korean tech companies are waking up the giants in globalisation push

Innovative Korean technology companies are becoming leading players and stealing market share from the giants.

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Australian fish farm undergoes IT upgrade by investing in edge infrastructure

Australian fism farming company Tassal looked at harnessing IT to make its business of growing salmon more sustainable and cost-effective. It invested in an integrated IT solution powered by Vertiv and Dell EMC for its business in Tasmania.

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NTT Communications has launched the Osaka 5 Data Center in the heart of Osaka, NTT Com's fifth...
Interoute Jump StartUp provides startups with free Interoute Virtual Data Centre for one year.
Diversified industrial manufacturer Eaton has launched a new power management video which explores...
Platform securely bridges access between IL2 and IL3 data while providing connectivity to the...
Mercury Power, provider of innovative data centre solutions, has marked its 10th year in business.
By Lilac Schoenbeck, Vice President of Product Management and Marketing at iland.