Coole Sache: Übernahme von Uniflair mit Integration in Schneider Electric abgeschlossen - Erweitertes Angebot an Kühllösungen

Mit der Übernahme des Uniflair-Konzerns erweitert Schneider Electric seine Kompetenzen im Bereich der Kühllösungen. Uniflair ist auf die Entwicklung, Herstellung und Vermarktung von Präzisionsklimaanlagen, Kühlsystemen und Doppelböden für Datacenter und Telekommunikationsanwendungen spezialisiert. Die strategische Akquisition verstärkt den Geschäftsbereich IT Business, der umfassende Lösungen für das Datacenter liefert.

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Red Hat-led European Union cloud computing project releases initial prototype

After three years of hard work, Red Hat is pleased to celebrate the release of the Cloud-TM (Transactional Memory) Platform prototype. This marks the final milestone in one of the European Union’s largest cloud computing research projects, within which Red Hat has played a leadership role. The Cloud-TM project was initiated by the European Commission just over three years ago with the aim of defining both a standard and an appropriate development model for users of large-scale data...

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Gartner recommends limiting data centres to two per continent

Most global organisations have too many data centres in too many countries, according to Gartner, Inc. Gartner said that in order for businesses to save costs and optimise service delivery, they need a twin data centre topology for each continent of major business activity.

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Rackspace enhances Hybrid Cloud

Performance Cloud Servers with all SSD storage, redundant 10-Gigabit networking, Intel® Xeon® E5 processors, and larger RAM deliver 2.6x more overall performance.

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Higher availability for OpenStack Clouds

Stratus Technologies, Inc. has launched a beta program aimed at improving the reliability of cloud infrastructures. The program will test Stratus’ next-generation suite of software solutions that enable always-on clouds based on the OpenStack cloud operating system.

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Flexiant “opens” up Cloud Orchestrator Platform

Flexiant Cloud Orchestrator Version 4 arms service providers with a platform that provides flexibility and choice to increase profit, revenue and growth.

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Australian fish farm undergoes IT upgrade by investing in edge infrastructure

Australian fism farming company Tassal looked at harnessing IT to make its business of growing salmon more sustainable and cost-effective. It invested in an integrated IT solution powered by Vertiv and Dell EMC for its business in Tasmania.

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Equinix, Inc. has experienced tremendous growth in the number of enterprise customers accessing...
Adding infrastructure and equipment to its consultancy offering.
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Kevin Sell is Director for Global Hosting Centres at Telstra Global.
By David Wilcox, Data Centre and ITaaS General Manager: Europe, Dimension Data.