City Lifeline has unveiled a new, more interactive website, designed to reflect changing business needs and add value for companies looking to introduce the latest data technologies into their operations.
Read MoreHelicopter engine manufacturer, Turbomeca, has equipped its new manufacturing plant near Paris with Siemon category 7A TERA® cabling. The leader in civil and parapublic helicopter engines reports to have selected the fully shielded 10Gb/s Ethernet system for its cable sharing flexibility, security and capability to support future high speed applications.
Read MoreHP Converged Infrastructure enhances IT agility for global managed services provider.
Read MoreSurvey reveals internal threats are still responsible for the most downtime incidents.
Read MoreYet only 30% are very confident that their cloud service provider is reliable.
Read MoreDie durch Cloud Computing und den zunehmenden Einsatz mobiler Endgeräte beständig wachsende IT-Last einerseits und der drohende weitere Anstieg der Energiepreise andererseits führen dazu, dass das Thema Energieeffizienz in den Fokus der Rechenzentrumsbetreiber gerückt ist. Wie aber können die Betreiber feststellen, ob ihre Rechenzentren energieeffizient ausgestaltet sind, und wo können gegebenenfalls Einsparpotenziale realisiert werden?
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