Neue SidePOD Schranklösung von Siemon unterstützt Kühlung und erweitert Kapazität im Rechenzentrum

Siemon, ein international führender Anbieter von Netzwerkinfrastrukturlösungen, bringt eine SidePOD™ Schranklösung mit Luftleitblech auf den Markt, die insbesondere für seitlich belüftete Aktivtechnik und End-of-Row (EoR) Konfigurationen in Rechenzentrumsanwendungen vorgesehen ist

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Hybrid IT: the practical issues confronting the CIO today

If the CIO thinks they have a headache today, end user expectations will make them reach for the aspirin.

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Burning test success for Silver Fox low smoke zero halogen tie-on cable labels

Silver Fox, leading UK manufacturer of durable labelling solutions, has successfully flame tested its Fox-Flo® Low Smoke Zero Halogen Tie-On Cable Labels against a direct competitor’s brand.

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White paper provides roadmap to a fully deployed data centre using Predictive Modelling

CBRE has recently published a white paper called “At the End of the Day – It’s Lost Capacity”. The paper outlines the use of the new ground breaking methodology developed by Future Facilities and based on predictive modelling techniques using the concept of the Virtual Facility. The Virtual Facility represents the Performance of the data centre at any point in time, Past, Present or most importantly the Future through the use of full 3 dimensional mathematical...

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Europe’s IT hotspot to be showcased at CeBIT in Hannover, Germany

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK), Europe’s IT hotspot, has been selected as the Partner Country for CeBIT, the world’s leading trade show for digital business. “Next March our European neighbour will showcase itself as a strong and innovative IT nation. At CeBIT 2014 the visitors will experience the United Kingdom as a high-tech nation which plays a pioneering role in numerous sectors. For example, we can experience how 26 million households can be...

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Simplestream partners with LDeX for media and streaming hub

Simplestream has chosen the LDeX 1 data centre to host its London-based Media Hub facility. The LDeX1 Data Centre located in North London is fast gaining a reputation for its media and streaming capabilities with its choice of high bandwidth, ultra-low latency CDN networks, high power density rack options and multiple satellite downlink providers giving access to multiple satellites and hundreds of TV channels. Simplestream Media Hub offer’s downlinking, encoding, packaging, storage and...

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Equinix Insider - White Ops President & COO, Eddie Schwartz

Eddie has over 25 years experience in information security, including recent work as the CISO of RSA, the Security Division of EMC, and Co-Founder/CSO of NetWitness.

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The consequences of a fire in a data centre can be catastrophic and, as well as causing expensive...
40% more concerned than ever about the threat of data breaches at their organisation.
For many data center managers, maintaining storage capacity for data is a continuously moving...
Award winning UK based technical services specialist, Sudlows, has completed a full office fit...
Huawei is to introduce its new Intelligent Modular Data Center Solution at MWC 2015. Adopting an...
The next 10 years will see a significant shift towards adoption of AI and automation to improve...