IT-Manager verlassen sich nicht länger nur auf Tape zur Datensicherung

Umfrage von Acronis: Unternehmen setzen zunehmend auf Cloud-Storage, da Bandsicherungen oft zu fehlerhaft sind

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Setting a new standard in data centre Interconnect?

Coriant has introduced the Coriant Groove™ G30 DCI Platform, a stackable transport solution for cloud and data center networks. 

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Equinix Insider - White Ops President & COO, Eddie Schwartz

Eddie has over 25 years experience in information security, including recent work as the CISO of RSA, the Security Division of EMC, and Co-Founder/CSO of NetWitness.

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The partnership will see the development of a new 34MW, sustainably focussed, carrier-neutral data...
Highest power density in its class – base engine 12V1600 with up to 996 kWm.
An efficiently executed migration under COVID-19 safety measures, maintaining key services and data...
KCOM’s analysis of IT RFPs has found that the success of enterprise IT projects is being...
Nearly 20-year customer relationship spanning centralised IT procurement, self-service IT helpdesk...
Point-of-presence at multiple data centres offer effortless access to cloud services and...