VMware unveils next-generation products and services

Addressing the needs of organizations to simplify IT, VMware, Inc. has announced a wave of new products and services designed to help IT accelerate their adoption of a software-defined data center architecture and take advantage of the value of advanced virtualization in areas such as networking and security, storage and availability, and management and automation. The news was unveiled at the company's 10th annual VMworld® in San Francisco, where more than 22,000 attendees saw...

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Dell delivers Cloud and Virtualization solutions

New enterprise solutions and milestones demonstrate strength of Dell and VMware partnership.

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Neue Switching-Plattform Dell Networking S6000 integriert physische und virtualisierte Infrastrukturen

Der Datacenter-Switch Dell Networking S6000 bietet eine doppelt so hohe 10/40-GbE-Portdichte bei halb so viel Energieverbrauch wie Vorgängerversionen. Er unterstützt VMware NSX und bildet die Brücke zwischen physischen und virtualisierten Umgebungen. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht das integrierte Dell Open Automation Framework eine vereinfachte Verwaltung sowie eine hohe Skalierung virtualisierter Infrastrukturen.

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Neue Serie robuster Edge-Switches: Allied Telesis erweitert Netzwerkportfolio 

x210-Serie umfasst 9-, 16- und 24-Port-Versionen sowie jeweils einen oder mehr SFP-Uplinks / Switches eignen sich besonders für Sicherheits- und Management-Anwendungen

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Lantronix bringt winziges M2M-WLAN-Modul auf den Markt

xPico Wi-Fi kann gleichzeitig als WLAN Access Point und WLAN Client dienen und bietet so Zugriff auf Maschinen mittels mobiler Geräte

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Avaya announces Software-Defined Data Center framework and roadmap

Leverages OpenStack’s cloud operating system to deliver open, multi-resource service orchestration and automation.

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Ethernet gets legal thumbs up

More and more leading enterprises are moving to smarter more cost efficient Interconnect solutions, listen to why Wrigleys Solicitors in the UK chose Mellanox’s Ethernet solutions.

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International Data Corporation (IDC)has publishd its worldwide information technology (IT) industry...
Trusted network provider to unbundle 40 more BT exchanges and leverage Openreach’s newly...
A recent survey has revealed that CIOs are twice as likely to focus on delivering IT services to...
Research highlights importance of CIOs building internal relationships with sales and marketing to...
However, over three quarters of businesses in the UK, France and Germany admit they have no policy...
Reduces costs and time-to-threat detection via architectural approach that enables traffic to...