Skills gap emerges

The ever-increasing IT skills gap is highlighted again today with the release of research results from central London data centre, City Lifeline. Almost a third (28 per cent) of UK senior IT personnel believe IT equipment has become more complex than five years ago; a huge contributor to today’s IT skills gap.

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eCommerce drives both top and bottom line for B2B companies

In addition to increasing company revenue, increases in profitability per order and average order value also cited as key findings.

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Time to say goodbye?

Less than one in ten enterprises has faith in its existing network; more agile infrastructures are needed to deliver next-generation applications and services.

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IT managers now also handling telecoms in over half of cases

New industry survey reveals IT manager is also responsible for telecoms in 52% of businesses.

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ARITHNEA: Zehn Faktoren für erfolgreichen Cross-Channel-Commerce

Cross-Channel-Commerce ist für den Handel heute ein Muss: Die Kunden haben diesen Trend gesetzt und Unternehmen müssen folgen, um mit zielgruppengerechten Angeboten präsent zu bleiben, Marktanteile zu halten und zu erschließen. Der E-Business-Dienstleister ARITHNEA zeigt, welche zehn Faktoren im Cross-Channel-Commerce zum Erfolg beitragen

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PRTG Network Monitor überwacht die IT-Infrastruktur des T-Systems Innovation Center

Präsentieren unter reibungslosen Bedingungen: Seit kurzem überwacht PRTG Network Monitor der Paessler AG die IT-Infrastrukturen im Innovation Center München (ICM) von T-Systems

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Technical Discussion: High Performance IP Replication

Why is it so challenging to achieve high performance IP Replication over distance between data centers? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of achieving high performance IP replication over distance, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally and test results comparing IP storage replication workloads showing you the level of performance you can achieve with Brocade's solution.

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