Fluke Networks bridges the application and network performance visibility gap

Increasing pervasiveness of wireless networks and heightened end-user expectations drive need for holistic, nimble approach to network management and troubleshooting.

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Pluribus Networks expands to Europe

European customers in finance, aerospace, telco, energy, and gaming along with four EMEA channel partners join the Pluribus roster.

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Internet Solutions first to deploy 500G Super-Channels

Infinera and Internet Solutions, a leading pan-African telecommunications provider, have announced the deployment of the Infinera DTN-X platform across the company’s South African long distance network. The Infinera Intelligent Transport Network solution, featuring the DTN-X packet optical transport networking platform, enables Internet Solutions to differentiate its services, and manage costs as they scale their network.

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Paessler honoriert kreative Nutzeroberflächen im „My PRTG Dashboard“-Wettbewerb

So individuell wie jede Installation der Netzwerküberwachungslösung PRTG Network Monitor können auch die einzelnen zentralen Administrationsansichten, genannt Dashboards, sein. Mit der integrierten Funktion zur Einrichtung individueller Dashboards sind Nutzer in der Lage, die Software auf ihre Bedürfnisse abzustimmen

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Integrierte Lösung von Fluke Networks schließt die immer größer werdende Lücke bei der Leistungstransparenz von Anwendungen und Netzwerken

Wachsende Bedeutung von Drahtlosnetzwerken und höhere Erwartungen bei Endbenutzern machen ganzheitlichen, schlanken Ansatz im Bereich Netzwerkverwaltung und Fehlerbehebung erforderlich

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Spirent demonstrates Open Framework Cloud Test Platform

Joint demo at Interop Las Vegas 2014 showcases cloud-based virtual lab environment for SDN/NFV testing.

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Latest Video

Technical Discussion: High Performance IP Replication

Why is it so challenging to achieve high performance IP Replication over distance between data centers? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of achieving high performance IP replication over distance, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally and test results comparing IP storage replication workloads showing you the level of performance you can achieve with Brocade's solution.

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New Inventory and Network Synchronization (INS) provides unified view of network and service...
Telecom Italia intends to deliver new Cisco-enabled managed business services, including Cisco...
GTT Communications has expanded its SD-WAN service offering by adding Fortinet Secure SD-WAN as a...
Carriers gain industry's most feature-rich edge computing solution in smallest footprint.
Collaboration to explore Open RAN compliant Radio Intelligent Controller platform to develop...
Since the upgrade of its core network, Epsilon has pivoted its strategy towards building end-to-end...