Palo Alto Networks and VMware extend partnership

Palo Alto Networks® and VMware, Inc. have extended the companies’ strategic partnership with the announcement of a new reseller agreement and the general availability of a previously announced integrated network security and network virtualization solution.

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Barracuda NG Firewall now available on Windows Azure

Barracuda sees growing market adoption with security offerings on Microsoft Windows Azure.

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Juniper adds intrusion deception on the firewall

Juniper Networks has announced Juniper Argon Secure, an advanced anti-malware service for Juniper Networks® SRX Series Services Gateways to identify malware that traditional solutions cannot detect. Building on Juniper’s success using Intrusion Deception to prevent attacks against web applications, Argon Secure applies the technology to both networks and endpoints to detect malware at multiple points in the attack process. This added level of protection is a critical step in building...

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Facebook archiviert Daten auf Blu-Rays

Facebook entwickelt ein auf Blu-ray Technologie basierendes 1 Petabyte Storage-Rack und spart 80% Energie- und nicht zuletzt auch fortlaufende Migrationskosten

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E-Mail-Spione düpieren: SEPPmail und ACP IT Solutions mit Wick Hill auf der CeBIT 

Durch die Medienberichte der vergangenen Wochen und Monate gewinnt man den Eindruck, die NSA lauert hinter jeder Ecke, in jedem System und Netzwerk

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RSA Conference 2014: Verstärkte Kooperation zwischen den Staaten und der Sicherheitsindustrie auf internationaler Ebene schaffen

--- Art Coviello schlägt vier Grundprinzipien vor, um das Vertrauen in die digitale Welt in Zukunft zu stärken ---  Intelligenz-getriebene Technologien, Prozesse und Tools sollen sinnvoll eingesetzt werden, um die effiziente Verteidigung der zunehmend komplexen IT-Umgebungen vor Cyber-Risiken sicherzustellen

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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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Sophos has published the Sophos 2021 Threat Report, which flags how ransomware and fast-changing...
Internal security operations teams work smarter, not harder with cybersecurity automation that...
ETIS – The Global Association for Telecommunications has joined forces with Proximus, KPN,...
CABI has selected Logpoint SIEM and SOAR to centralize and structure IT operations and incident...
Cybercrime on the rise: average attack volumes grew by 194%, and hyper-scale volumes by 150%...
Delivers Zero Trust OT/IT security approach for office and production networks.