Quorum launches UK’s 'first' hybrid-cloud disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) for SMBs

New DRaaS technology eliminates costs of off-site data centre replication.

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Unitrends 7.4 unveiled

Unitrends has announced general availability of Unitrends Release 7.4, a substantially evolved version of the software underpinning its portfolio of physical and virtual data protection and disaster recovery solutions.

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Overstretched and constricted IT departments struggling with boardroom ‘demand disconnect’

ManageEngine has announced the results of a survey which found that almost half (40%) of IT professionals describe the current capacity of their department to do its job as ‘stretched’ or ‘over-stretched’.

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Bull and University of Warwick Join Forces on Big Data

New partnership to help organisations identify and act on big data opportunities.

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NetIQ unveils latest versions of NetIQ PlateSpin

New workload management and data protection tools help IT administrators better meet user demands for data access anytime, anywhere.

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GroundWork Cloud brings performance monitoring to the compute, storage and networking components of OpenStack

GroundWork, Inc. has announced what it says is the first performance monitoring solution for the OpenStack cloud operating system. Monitoring for OpenStack is available through GroundWork Cloud Hub enabling availability and performance visibility for Nova compute, Neutron networking and Cinder storage components, as well as the underlying physical hardware and other typical data center assets.

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How Clifton College solved its data backup problems

Clifton College is one of the UK’s leading co-educational independent schools. Cristie Data provides the Bristol-based private school with a fully managed, scalable and reliable cloud backup solution that protects pupil data and can easily scale to meet future data growth.

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The University at Buffalo (UB), a premier, research-intensive public university and the largest...
Enables customers to build, protect and optimise VMs throughout their lifecycle and migrate data...
A report published by the Business Continuity Institute (BCI), in association with BSI, has...
Marking World Backup Day 2017, the latest survey by Kroll Ontrack shows that deploying a backup...
The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Europe celebrates its 18th anniversary this...
Despite industry hype, most organisations have yet to develop and implement a big data strategy....