Could RRAM be the future of computer memory?

According to industry analysts, new chips could soon become available which blur the lines between RAM memory and computer storage, revolutionising how we use computers and laptops forever. The chips would allow a more instantaneous interface for computers, similar to that which is commonly found on tablet devices, but with a much higher level of performance.

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SolarWinds launches free virtual training

SolarWinds has announced SolarWinds Virtual Classrooms, a free virtual learning experience for eligible IT professionals that have purchased SolarWinds product maintenance. In virtual classrooms, SolarWinds product experts will host live, interactive training sessions designed to help IT pros harness the power of their SolarWinds deployments to do their jobs more effectively and efficiently as infrastructure complexity and skillset demands on IT pros increase.

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Fusion-io and Hyve Solutions transform existing data centres

Fusion-io and Hyve Solutions are teaming up at Open Compute Project (OCP) Summit V to enhance the accessibility of open computing with a joint solution that delivers the performance, efficiency and flexibility of hyperscale in existing datacentres.

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Quantum's flash-based StorNext 5 appliance delivers ‘unmatched’ performance for media workflows

Quantum Corp. has expanded its StorNext® platform with two new StorNext 5 metadata appliances. The new StorNext M445 SSD leverages flash technology to maximise the benefits of StorNext 5, the company’s completely re-architected solution optimised to deliver the greatest level of performance and reliability in modern workflow environments. The StorNext M445 SSD significantly raises the performance bar with a 7x boost in metadata operations. A second new metadata appliance, the StorNext...

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LSI joins the Open Compute Project

LSI Corporation has announced its membership in the Open Compute Project (OCP) and is in the process of contributing two storage infrastructure reference designs to the OCP global community.

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Wenige verbrauchen viel: Ungleiches Nutzungsverhalten bei mobiler Bandbreite

Nur 0,1 Prozent der Bevölkerung waren 2013 für mehr als die Hälfte des weltweiten LTE-Downloadvolumens verantwortlich

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PowerEdge Customer Profile: Automating ITaaS for a Banking Leader

This customer profile shows how Dell EMC PowerEdge servers help Societe Generale automate IT as a Service to drive innovation and decrease deployment times for internal clients.

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Cloud Snapshots provide the simplicity of NAS and the resiliency of the Cloud
Overland Storage, Inc. has announced the launch of its V3 hyper-converged virtual desktop appliance...
Avnet certified VMware training now available in more than 30 UK locations in association with The...
By Jeff Kim, Chief Operating Officer, CDNetworks Americas & EMEA.
Covenco has added a new Tier 3+ DR and workplace facility in Liverpool, which will provide...