Mit Redundanz und Höchstleistung zur vollständigen Ausfallsicherheit von IT-Infrastrukturen von Swen Brüseke, Geschäftsführer proIO GmbH

Die Gewährleistung hoher Ausfallsicherheit der eigenen IT-Infrastrukturen bleibt für viele Unternehmen ein frommer Wunsch, der meist schon an den finanziellen Rahmenbedingungen scheitert. Schließlich setzt diese maximale Redundanz und hoch performante Hardware-Komponenten in mehrfacher Ausführung voraus, was wiederum sehr hohe Investitionen nach sich zieht. Viele Unternehmen vertrauen den Betrieb ihrer Infrastrukturen daher Drittdienstleistern an und greifen vor allem auf...

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Businesses choose Dell

Dell selected as top overall vendor of choice for organisations using or planning to deploy flash/SSD technologies.

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Teradata pioneers new Teradata Aster SNAP Framework

Teradata has introduced the Teradata® Aster® Discovery Platform. This forms part of a new generation of solutions empowering chief information officers to execute a cohesive big data strategy creating competitive advantage.

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Cyberthreats continue to go forth and multiply at financial institutions says Aite Group

Banks and merchants are struggling to keep pace with the threat environment, but collaboration is a way to get an edge.

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WatchGuard Technologies brings Big Data visibility tools to network security

Zero-install, cloud-ready WatchGuard Dimension instantly distils ‘oceans of security data’ into key insights and trends.

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Stock Exchange of Thailand deploys ADVA FSP 3000

The Stock Exchange of Thailand has deployed the ADVA FSP 3000 for mission-critical storage area network (SAN) connectivity. Focusing primarily upon business continuity and disaster recovery applications, the ADVA FSP 3000 was specifically chosen because of its proven success in other financial networks around the world. The Thailand Stock Exchange is now able to transport information between data centers with low latency, high availability and robust security. The ADVA FSP 3000 was installed...

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PowerEdge Customer Profile: Automating ITaaS for a Banking Leader

This customer profile shows how Dell EMC PowerEdge servers help Societe Generale automate IT as a Service to drive innovation and decrease deployment times for internal clients.

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Boston Limited is delighted to unveil the high performance SuperSQL Cluster Appliance for the first...
Wie sieht ein professionelles Datenlöschmanagement in Zeiten weltweit wachsender Datenmengen...
John Chambers to become Executive Chairman, effective July 26.
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