Datapipe stellt grüne HPC-Cloud von Island aus zur Verfügung 

Vollständig von erneuerbaren Energien betriebener Knotenpunkt für Datapipes High-Performance-Computing-(HPC)-Cloud-Plattform Stratosphere® verstärkt die Partnerschaft mit Verne Global

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Emulex launches Endace Fusion Ecosystem Programme

Emulex Corporation has announced the Endace Fusion Ecosystem™ programme, which is designed to provide a simple framework for partners to interoperate and integrate with the Emulex line of Endace products, starting with the EndaceProbe™ Intelligent Network Recorder (INR). Initial partners in the Fusion Ecosystem programme include Compuware, SevOne, and Velocimetrics.

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ExaGrid appoints Richard Pearce as VP of Business Development

Seasoned strategic relationship-builder to focus on growing disk backup company’s worldwide industry vendor partner program.

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HP and Intel open Centre of Excellence for High Performance Computing

Latest HP, Intel technologies enable software developers to ensure next-generation application compatibility.

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Proact has successfully delivered a migration project for Aller

Proact, Europe’s biggest independent storage integrator, has supplied a storage technology solution to Aller Media Oy. This is a textbook example of how simply renewing a support agreement is not always the most economical option for the customer. Proact has supplied Aller with a NetApp storage system.

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Reed Expositions France deploys Violin for an In-Memory infrastructure

Reed Expositions France has purchased additional Violin Memory Arrays to enhance its core IT infrastructure. Following considerable performance improvements in its billing application from its first Violin deployment, Reed added Violin 6000 Series Memory Arrays to consolidate more applications.

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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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A recent celebration held at the High-Performance Computing Center of the University of Stuttgart...
The Flashtec NVMe 3108 controller enables power and form-factor optimized enterprise NVMe SSDs with...
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Veeam's new secure cloud storage offering built on Microsoft Azure and integrated into Veeam Backup...