Unter dem Projektnamen HAVEn hat HP eine Big-Data-Analytics-Plattform angekündigt. HAVEn nutzt Technologien von HP Autonomy, HP Vertica, HP ArcSight, HP Operations Management und Hadoop. Das hilft Unternehmen und Behörden, große Datenmengen in Echtzeit auszuwerten
Read MoreSchool District 27J in Brighton, Colo. has implemented two Tegile Systems’ Zebi hybrid storage arrays as part of its virtual desktop infrastructure, serving as a replacement for a failed HP Enterprise Virtual Array that could not handle the load placed upon it when the district’s teachers began to log into the system on the first day of school.
Read MoreFormal launch of Red Hat OpenStack Cloud Infrastructure Partner Network and Red Hat OpenStack Certification availability mark major milestones in fulfilling Red Hat’s vision of creating broad ecosystem around Red Hat OpenStack.
Read MoreNew release enables service providers to offer hybrid clouds – integrating management of bare metal servers and virtual servers into a single control panel.
Read MoreStudy finds only 35 percent of businesses can quickly detect security breaches and 58 percent store big security data for three months or less.
Read MoreBy Jeff Kim, Chief Operating Officer, CDNetworks Americas & EMEA.
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