Die EMC Corporation hat die Ergebnisse einer weltweiten Umfrage vorgestellt, die das Unternehmen unter 10.700 Teilnehmern der lokalen EMC Foren durchgeführt hat. IT-Entscheider aus 50 Ländern wurden nach ihrer Meinung zu den Herausforderungen und Chancen gefragt, die Big Data und IT-Transformation für ihre Unternehmen mit sich bringen. Zu den Befragten gehörten neben Managern, IT-Verantwortlichen und -Architekten auch Data Scientists sowie Speicher- und...
Read MoreThe EVault Long-Term Storage Service (EVault LTS2) is a cloud infrastructure storage service that enables organizations to preserve skyrocketing volumes of digital assets for decades while maintaining instant accessibility and keeping the total cost of ownership (TCO) very low. This new service is a direct result of our OpenStack project.
Read MoreSwisstopo, the federal mapping agency for the Swiss confederation, has deployed Zadara’s Virtual Private Storage Array™ (VPSA) storage as a service (STaaS) running the NFS protocol at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) EU regional data centre in Dublin. As its growth in Elastic Block Storage (EBS) volumes and Web users created cost and scalability challenges, Swisstopo moved to Zadara and quickly found that its move to an NFS-based storage architecture dramatically lowered both EBS...
Read MoreCommVault Edge™ trial lets employees search, preview and access corporate data from any device at any time while simplifying endpoint backup.
Read MoreSMEs to increase tech spend as confidence in the economy returns.
Read MoreVideo series launched as part of the Digital Agenda focus on accessible and education information for consumers.
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