Merger delivers on unified data resiliency

The coming together of Arcserve and StorageCraft means an expanded solutions portfolio, offering both simplification and agility to Channel partners, designed to provide end users with a comprehensive approach to the backup and recovery challenges of the digital world. SDC Channel talks to Arcserve’s Vice President Sales, EMEA, Richard Massey and Acting Chief Marketing Officer, Florian Malecki.

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Better backup and recovery in a hybrid world

Mark Jow, EMEA Vice President - Sales Engineering, Commvault, talks through the success of the company’s Metallic Software-as-a-Service Backup offering, a year on from the European launch, as well detailing the AWS availability of Commvault Backup & Recovery, and providing some great insight into a recent customer win at Syncreon.

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Helping the Channel negotiate the BC/DR ‘maze’

Richard May, Managing Director of virtualDCS, offers some great insights as to the challenges and opportunities for the Channel as it seeks to help its customers address their business continuity/disaster recovery needs. In a market where many continue to hold on to the ‘comfort’ of legacy applications, Richard believes that the virtualDCS CloudCover solutions portfolio, built around the company’s longstanding partnership with Veeam, offers a great opportunity for Channel companies to...

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Delivering valuable information from the data stack

Michael Queenan, Co-Founder and CEO of Nephos Technologies, explains the importance of understanding the whole data stack – the storage and the governance as well as the analytics – in order to turn the raw data into valuable, actionable information. Michael also details how his company is helping customers on their ‘data literacy’ journey, most recently with the introduction of a Data Governance as a Service solution.

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Data management addresses storage and security challenges

Spectra Logic’s Vice President of Product Management and Solutions, David Feller, shares the company’s own experience of dealing with a ransomware attack, explaining how this has shaped the development of recently launched attack-hardened, hybrid, multi-cloud data management and storage solutions.

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Making the most of MLOps

DW talks to Asger Pedersen, Technical Lead MLOPs at DataRobot, about the emerging opportunity around MLOps. The conversation covers everything from the MLOps basics, MLOps implementation best practices and the benefits this relatively new technology offers. Asger also explains DataRobot’s approach to MLOps as well as sharing his views on how he sees the market developing over time.

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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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