Feeding Data Hungry GPUs with Networked Flash

In case you missed the great keynote @FMS 2019 by Chris Lamb VP Compute Software at NVIDIA and Michael Kagan Mellanox co-founder and CTO titled “Data Hungry GPUs with Networked Flash”.

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Mellanox ConnectX-6 Dx Launch

Mellanox is very excited to introduce ConnectX-6 Dx and BlueField-2 SmartNICs and I/O Processing Unit (IPU) solutions, enabling the next generation of clouds, secure data centers and storage platforms. ConnectX-6 Dx and BlueField-2, with their cutting-edge hardware acceleration engines powered by best-in-class software programmability, are set to revolutionize the way hyperscale giants, enterprises, and telecom providers build secure and highly efficient cloud data-centers. The new Mellanox...

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AstraZeneca Accelerates Pharmaceutical Science with the Cloud

Discover how Data Visionary AstraZeneca is using cloud-ready data in their hybrid multicloud environment to advance, research, accelerate treatment timelines, and improve patient outcomes.

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Seattle Proton Therapy Protects Patient Data

Seattle Proton Therapy turned to Dell EMC Data Protection to solve an immediate capacity need for backing up their patients’ medical records while complying with government regulations like HIPAA. They found the Dell EMC IDPA DP4400 appliance easy to deploy, with a minimal learning curve for their admins. With excellent deduplication, they continue to save space, and they’ve reduced the time to access crucial data from 1 to 2 weeks to a matter of minutes.

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Easy Data Protection Helps Community Bank Compete Nationally

Republic Bank relies on Dell EMC Data Protection for all its data, leveraging tight integration with VMware for easy data management and automated backups. They’re using the admin time they’ve saved to innovate—which helps as the bank competes nationally for mortgages. What’s more, with Data Domain protection storage, they’ve achieved a 72:1 deduplication ratio and 98.6 percent data reduction.

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Fraunhofer Amps Up Industrial Automation With NetApp HCI

NetApp HCI supports Fraunhofer's mission of bringing the automation industry and the IT industry together.

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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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