A smart response is the key to gaining value from Big Data

Software AG has established an “Intelligent Business Operations” unit to provide real-time business responses to big data business insights.

  • Friday, 17th January 2014 Posted 10 years ago in by Phil Alsop

Software AG has announced the establishment of an Intelligent Business Operations (IBO) unit to enable organisations to rapidly respond to big data insights. The technology produced by this unit enables continuous 360° visibility into a running business, including monitoring the performance of business processes and identifying opportunities and risks, combined with the ability to act on these business trends immediately.

IBO-powered solutions, already in use at blue chip customers, offer immense business benefits:
· Protecting revenue streams and reputation - identifying and solving impending risks with service delivery before they impact on customer satisfaction
· Seizing real-time revenue opportunities - competitiveness based on applying highly personalised sales and marketing promotions to the right mobile customers in the right location at the right time
· Cost control through optimal operational efficiency - continuously adjust the course and speed of business processes
· Real-time, continuous risk management - identify and mitigate potential regulatory violations before they occur

“Future business success will be based on the ability to detect opportunities in real-time and react to them while that opportunity still exists,” said Software AG CTO for Intelligent Business Operations and Big Data, Dr John Bates. “This will deliver benefits to provider and consumer alike, no matter what the industry, as operational bottlenecks are removed, costs fall and customer experiences are managed to the level of individualised services. Digital-enabled business models are necessary for business success and survival.”

Software AG’s IBO platform brings together a number of leading products into a single in-memory platform. These include: Terracotta Universal Messaging and Big Memory for communication, storage and analysis of in-memory big data; Apama for continuous analytics and intelligent actions to find and respond to opportunities and threats; Process Performance Management (PPM) and Optimize to track the historical and live performance of business processes against agreed service levels; and Presto for visualisation and exploration of business patterns.

By combining these products, IBO enables organiations to move quicker than their competitors, analysing both real-time and historical data, visualising the resulting business insights and providing dynamic business processes to rapidly implement the subsequent business decision – all on the same platform.

Supporting this strategic initiative, Software AG has released several new product versions to reflect the required integration of IBO products. These include the release of version 5.1 of its Apama platform, version 9.5 of Universal Messaging and version 4.1 of Terracotta BigMemory.

With these new releases, real-time applications built using Apama 5.1 can natively read and write to the premier in-memory big data management capability – Terracotta BigMemory. This ensures that the largest data volumes can be analysed, producing the richest possible dataset the moment it is required.

In addition, the native messaging layer for Apama and Big Memory is now Universal Messaging – Software AG’s low latency messaging platform, allowing big data to be accessed and distributed to and from any device, platform or application across the enterprise, in real-time. BigMemory 4.1 also adds additional capabilities for in-memory computing, including extended support for .NET/C# and C++ clients and SQL for querying in-memory data beside its JAVA care support. Software AG has also introduced BigMemory Hybrid to allow customers to exploit Flash-based storage as an extended in-memory tier - resulting in lower TCO and the same predictable, low latency access at scale, available with pure DRAM-based systems.