Toshiba announces high capacity hard drives for surveillance applications

3.5-inch HDD provides multi-stream, temperature resistant support for 24/7 storage.

  • Wednesday, 14th May 2014 Posted 10 years ago in by Phil Alsop

Toshiba Electronics Europe (TEE) has launched the MD03ACA-V series, a high-capacity hard disk drive (HDD) for surveillance applications. Toshiba’s purpose-built line of 3.5-inch HDDs are available in capacities up to 4 TB. The SATA drives spin at 7200rpm and support the industry-standard 512n sector lengths as well as RV compensation that maintains performance under multiple HDD configuration - making the MD03ACA-V series well suited for customers looking for around-the-clock 24/7 video surveillance storage.

The robust design of the MD03ACA-V series provides storage to various video recorders including surveillance digital video recorders (SDVR), surveillance network video recorders (SNVR) and Hybrid SDVR, delivering 24/7 operation with a mean time to failure (MTTF) of 1 million hours. With up to 4TB of storage, the Toshiba’s MD03ACA-V enables support for higher resolution data streams, addresses the need for longer surveillance video retention periods, multi-streaming capabilities, wider temperature resistance and uninterrupted write applications.

“Video surveillance continues to play an important role in a broad range environments,” said Martin Larsson, Vice President, Toshiba Electronics Europe, Storage Products Division. “The MD03ACA-V series of drives are for surveillance applications and are designed to deliver high-definition video playback, and operate in 24x7 surveillance environments.”