iland eliminates budget roadblocks to IT disaster recovery

Companies can reduce costs by up to 40 percent, experience near-zero recovery times and minimise risks with new Pay-as-You-Go DRaaS option.

  • Wednesday, 10th June 2015 Posted 9 years ago in by Phil Alsop

iland has introduced its new Pay-as-You-Go Disaster-Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS) offering that gives customers a faster path to protecting business and satisfying compliance requirements.

In a recent iland online poll, 75 percent of 154 respondents reported their company would lose revenue if a disaster struck. Yet despite this looming risk, teams fail to adopt disaster recovery plans because of the multifaceted complexity associated with choosing, implementing and testing a solution. In fact, the overwhelming majority of poll respondents (87 percent), understand the potential benefits of cloud-based disaster recovery, yet still face significant, time consuming hurdles to a complete solution.

With the new Pay-as-You-Go (PAYG) DRaaS option, companies can rely on iland to help bypass those barriers and achieve dependable disaster recovery more cost effectively than ever before, because customers only pay for compute resources when they actually need them. The Pay-as-You-Go offering comes with flexible contract lengths, including month-to-month and discounted term contracts.

iland's dramatically simplified service offering makes it easier for customers to understand and buy DRaaS. Quotes are comprised of as few as four line items, not pages of figures, and a far simpler resource consumption model in the event of a disaster. The new lower costs are supported by price drops in all three tiers of storage: SSD, Archive tier and Advanced storage. iland's new DRaaS service offering represents an estimated savings of up to 40 percent over market prices, further supporting companies on their path to disaster protection.

"Whether adopting a disaster recovery plan for compliance reasons or to safeguard business continuity, the best way to confirm that a solution works is to see it in action, protecting your environments," said Lilac Schoenbeck, VP of product management and marketing at iland. "We are making that happen with our new PAYG DRaaS offering, ensuring customers get disaster recovery plans scoped, implemented and tested as fast as possible. We have also added a 30-day-guarantee, which lowers the risk of trying out iland DRaaS and reinforces our commitment to customer satisfaction."

With iland's DRaaS services powered by Zerto, customers can:

* Achieve near-zero recovery time objectives, minimising downtime by replicating virtualised workloads to iland's high-availability, global cloud infrastructure

* Ensure the success of implementations by taking advantage of iland's industry-recognised onboarding and project management support team that help plan, execute and test the solution

* Execute tests and failovers, and evaluate performance trends at will through iland's Enterprise Cloud Services portal, which can also be used to manage iland cloud infrastructure resources

* Leverage redundant, high speed, low latency connectivity to Tier 1 providers and connect directly to hundreds of carriers

* Satisfy compliance and security requirements, as iland's global data centre locations meet regional certification specifications and data is encrypted using AES-256

* Accommodate a range of configuration options with support for physical, colocation and complex networking requirements