Cloud generation web gateway

On the heels of Blue Coat’s  acquisition of cloud innovator Elastica,Inc.  last week, Blue Coat Systems has introduced a set of cloud generation products and features to its market-leading Blue Coat Security Platform, integrating essential components required for protecting enterprises in today’s rapidly changing IT environment.

  • Friday, 20th November 2015 Posted 9 years ago in by Phil Alsop
These “Cloud Generation” capabilities represent a major evolution of the Secure Web Gateway, combining Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Advanced Threat Protection (ATP), integrated Web Application Firewall (WAF), and encrypted traffic management (SSL), significantly advancing Blue Coat’s industry-leading web and cloud security solution. Together with the CloudSOCTM capabilities from Elastica and the encryption and tokenization technology from the Perspecsys acquisition, Blue Coat’s Cloud Generation GatewayTM forms a foundation of the Blue Coat Security Platform, leveraging Blue Coat’s expertise in network, security and cloud to ensure protection of both existing and future computing environments.
Blue Coat announced five new product offerings to address these challenges:
  • CASB Visibility and Access Security extend Blue Coat’s market-leading Secure Web Gateway to deliver comprehensive cloud application risk management capabilities. This allows organizations to safely control sanctioned cloud operations, and manage shadow IT usage.
  • Cloud Data Protection organizations traditionally lose control of their data when it is placed inside of cloud applications. Blue Coat’s Cloud Data Protection delivers market-leading tokenization and encryption to ensure data residency compliance and security, and allows customers to maintain complete control of their data as they use cloud applications.
  • Advanced Secure Gateway, a new model in Blue Coat’s line of secure web gateways, delivers consolidated content analysis for ATP, which combines anti-virus scanning, whitelisting, static code analysis and orchestration for sandbox analysis.
  • Cloud Generation Intelligence Services provides risk intelligence for web, cloud applications, files, and advanced threats to deliver up-to-the-moment threat data from Blue Coat’s Global Intelligence Network.
  • Integrated WAF delivers third generation capabilities for protecting inbound application services for organizationally owned data center and cloud applications.
Capabilities from Elastica’s CloudSOC, such as full cloud application DLP and cloud breach detection, auditing and forensics, will be quickly integrated into the Blue Coat Security Platform and the Cloud Generation Gateway feature set.
“Massive shifts in usage of cloud applications and services are driving dramatic new requirements that are begging for a new approach to security,” said Michael Fey, Blue Coat president and COO. “As organizations rethink how they secure in the cloud age, it is important that they not only protect and control interactions with cloud applications, but have an easily extensible and elastic solution. The current trend offered by niche vendors forces customers into a situation where they have spread a single cloud interaction by a user across multiple solutions and multiple clouds. Doing so injects complexity, delay and ambiguity into their defensive posture, which is not a viable option. The Blue Coat Security Platform and our Cloud Generation capabilities deliver customers a new and unprecedented level of security and integration in this cloud age.”