Talking Zero Trust Access (Part 1)

DW talks to Pulse Secure’s Chief Marketing Officer, Scott Gordon, about the company’s Pulse Zero Trust Access (PZTA) solution, focusing on how it helps organisations simplify access management and address hybrid workplace security issues.

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DMSO promises a new level of optimisation when it comes to data centre infrastructure performance

Philip Alsop, editor of Digitalisation World and Data Centre Solutions, talks to Jennifer Deutsch, Chief Marketing Officer at Park Place Technologies, focusing on the company’s evolution from third party maintenance to a broader Discover, Monitoring, Support and Optimise (DMSO) approach when it comes to data centre infrastructure.

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How AIOps can help end users to identify and address IT infrastructure performance issues

In the second part of a two part interview, Digitalisation World talks to Virtana’s Managing Director International, David Cumberworth, about how AIOps can help end users to identify and address IT infrastructure performance issues – including some ‘real world’ examples.

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Why security is so critical right now

In the second part of a three part interview, security comes under the spotlight as Digitalisation World talks to Ian Vickers, CEO of METCloud.

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Digital opportunities

In the final part of a three part interview, Ian Vickers, CEO of METCloud outlines the many positives of digital transformation, as he talks to Digitalisation World.

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Towards the next normal in the workplace

In the first part of a three part interview, Digitalisation World talks with Ian Vickers, CEO of METCloud, about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the workplace.

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How to Turn Data into Business Value

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