Leverages in-memory technology to significantly improve performance of industry-leading messaging technology.
Read MoreTIBCO Software Inc. has announced TIBCO® Iris – a new software product designed to deliver enhanced application trouble-shooting and forensic capabilities for application developers, support engineers, security analysts and QA testers. As the newest big data product release from the TIBCO LogLogic® product group, this standalone solution easily ingests and intelligently processes and visualises results for application and machine log data to enable self-service troubleshooting and...
Read MoreRandomStorm has released its new integrated log analysis; host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) and file integrity platform, StormAgent.
Read MoreCompanies could miss out on competitive edge in 2013.
Read MoreDie „Powering the Cloud“ Konferenzen SNW Europe, Virtualization World und Datacenter Technologies haben sich als „Pflichtveranstaltungen“ für europäische IT-Verantwortliche etabliert, die sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen bei Storage, Virtualisierung, Networking und weiteren Rechenzentrumstechnologien informieren wollen. Die Veranstalter sind stolz darauf, ihrer Zielgruppe die einzigen unabhängigen Veranstaltungen zu diesen Themen in Deutschland...
Read MoreRaises the bar for data-intensive application performance with new flash-optimised storage solution that drives down the cost of flash solutions by up to 75 percent.
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