Red Hat Software Collections 1.1 now available

Second installment of Red Hat Software Collections delivers comprehensive suite of dynamic languages, open source databases and web development tools.

  • Wednesday, 4th June 2014 Posted 10 years ago in by Phil Alsop

Red Hat, Inc. has announced the general availability of Red Hat Software Collections 1.1, the second iteration of Red Hat’s comprehensive suite of powerful web development tools, dynamic languages and open source databases. Delivered on a separate life cycle from Red Hat Enterprise Linux with a more frequent release cadence, Red Hat Software Collections puts the latest stable open source runtime components, as tested and verified by Red Hat on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, in the hands of developers faster, accelerating the creation and deployment of modern web applications.
Red Hat Software Collections 1.1 bridges developer agility and production stability by providing a compelling solution to organisations seeking to leverage agile methods as a means of boosting the pace of software delivery. Enterprises can deploy applications built with Red Hat Software Collections 1.1 with confidence, as each release of Red Hat Software Collections is backed by Red Hat’s award-winning support for three years.
Red Hat Software Collections 1.1 includes:

The latest stable versions of popular dynamic languages and platforms, including:
Ruby 1.9.3 with Rails 3.2.8
Python 2.7 and 3.3
PHP 5.4 and 5.5
Perl 5.16.3
Node.js 0.10 as a Technology Preview
Ruby 2.0 and Rails 4.0, featured as individual collections, enabling developers to install an updated version of Ruby without necessarily having to install Rails.

The latest stable versions of open source databases, including:
MySQL 5.5 and PostgreSQL 9.2, popular open source databases for web applications
MariaDB 5.5, an easy-to-adopt alternative to MySQL
MongoDB 2.4, a high performance document database that provides high availability and easy scalability.
Two open source HTTP server options, with full support for Apache HTTP Server 2.4 and a Technology Preview of Nginx 1.4.4.
Thermostat 1.0, a useful tool for monitoring JVM instances on multiple hosts.

Organisations seeking to leverage the open hybrid cloud also benefit from Red Hat Software Collections 1.1, as applications built using Red Hat Software Collections can be deployed across multiple versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and OpenShift by Red Hat, providing flexibility across physical, virtual and cloud environments.