New York International Exchange (NYIIX), operated by Telehouse as one of the largest neutral Internet exchange points on the East Coast, has launched a brand new and improved website at The upgraded website features a streamlined design where members and prospects alike can easily acquire information on NYIIX’s architecture, current members, statistics, and recent news updates. Built for peering, the site is designed for enterprises that want an efficient way to...
Read MoreiOra announces the launch of Geo-Replicator 2013 designed specifically to support multi-server replication of Microsoft SharePoint 2013.
Read MoreLiebert® AFC delivers three cooling technologies in one highly reliable and efficient unit, saving businesses up to 30 percent in annual energy costs.
Read MoreLightweight Red Hat Enterprise Linux-based host environment and integrated developer services enable organizations to streamline application development and deployment across the open hybrid cloud.
Read MoreDell hat neue Datacenter-Lösungen vorgestellt. Sie zielen darauf ab, das Zusammenwachsen von Servern und Storagesystemen voranzutreiben, die Antwortzeiten von Applikationen zu verkürzen und die Systemverwaltung zu vereinfachen. Unternehmen sind damit in der Lage, den Nutzen ihrer IT-Investitionen zu maximieren und ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu verbessern
Read MoreStrategic partnerships with NEXTDC, Interxion and Pacific Link Telecom create a uniform customer experience along with increased geographical reach for enterprises.
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