Companies satisfy local data requirements with hassle-free public, private and hybrid cloud services based in iland’s Manchester and London data centres.
Read MoreMigSolv has announced the new ‘Hybrid Data Centre’ or ‘HDC’ which offers on demand, scalable, data centre space. The new offering has been developed for customers that can no longer fit into the traditional colocation model where a single rack offers a set amount of power or the wholesale model where everything is built to a specification but takes 6-9 months to deliver. The HDC allows organisations to decide on the model, space and power required then have this...
Read MoreWFT recognizes that SAP customers are tasked every day to find ways to improve their business agility and speed of innovation, increase their service quality to both internal and external customers, improve their business continuity and reduce/minimize downtime, and ultimately drive down their total cost of ownership (e.g. both CapEx and OpEx).
Read MoreUptime Institute has announced 18 winning projects in the first annual Brill Awards for Efficient IT.
Read MoreÜber 60.000 bestehende sowie alle künftigen Nutzer profitieren von kostenfreier Standard Edition
Read MoreLaut dem Vergleichsportal Verivox planen mindestens 32 Stromanbieter ab 01. April eine weitere Erhöhung der Strompreise für Privathaushalte und Unternehmen. Im Schnitt sollen die Preise um 4,5 Prozent steigen, womit sich der durchschnittliche Strompreis in den letzten zehn Jahren in Deutschland fast verdoppelt hat
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