Merit Network has deployed the ADVA 100G Metro solution to provide increased bandwidth capacity on a critical path of its core network that spans from Ann Arbor to Detroit and Lansing, Michigan to its optical fiber ring in Chicago.
Read MorePartnership will deliver new enterprise class cloud services to key government organizations.
Read MoreHP ConvergedSystem accelerates clients’ SAP HANA journey, delivering next-generation data management platforms in as little as 15 days.
Read MoreRiverbed and Loudhouse survey of 1,000 IT decision makers finds that while strategic IT implementations often fail to reach their potential, ‘Transformer’ companies are getting it right – with twice the success rate.
Read MoreSonicWALL enttarnt Angriffsstrategien und verzeichnet zahlreiche Zero-Day-Schwachstellen --- Für 2014 ist eine Weiterentwicklung bei Exploit-Kits und Bitcoin-Mining-Botnets zu erwarten --- Der vollständige Sicherheitsbericht von Dell SonicWALL steht zum Download bereit
Read More82% der befragten Mainframe-Anwender in Deutschland werden auch über die nächsten fünf Jahre hinaus ihren Systemen treu bleiben
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