Red Hat launches initiative to drive enterprise adoption of OpenStack

Red Hat, Inc. has announced a new initiative called On-Ramp to Enterprise OpenStack to drive enterprise adoption of OpenStack, the popular framework for building and managing private, public, and hybrid Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds. Red Hat is closely collaborating with Intel on the On-Ramp to Enterprise OpenStack program, educating customers on the benefits and capabilities of Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform running on Intel® Architecture and making it easier for...

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Northdoor successfully completes the London Market’s largest data migration project for Markel

Markel International is a specialist insurer with offices in the UK, mainland Europe, Asia Pacific and South America. The company writes UK and international business through Markel Syndicate 3000, Markel International Insurance Company Limited and its Brazilian reinsurance company and in 2012 had gross premiums of $888 million. It’s a subsidiary of Markel Corporation, a NYSE quoted business currently capitalised at around $7 billion with combined assets of around $23 billion and...

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Mehr Sicherheit für Unternehmensnetzwerke:

Claranet bietet innovative MPLS-Verschlüsselung

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‘Powering the Cloud’ definiert die Zukunft

Für jeden der verstehen wollte, wie die Data Center und deren Inhalte (Einrichtungen und IT) sich in Zukunft entwickeln um den Erwartungen der Unternehmen in Europa zu entsprechen und diese bei der Umsetzung der Geschäftsagilität zu helfen, boten die zwei Tage bei den ‚Powering the Cloud‘ Veranstaltungen in Frankfurt die ideale Gelegenheit sich zu informieren.

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Big Data customers use more than Hadoop

Hadoop is gaining incredible traction in enterprise big data implementations. But how do enterprises use Hadoop in concert with traditional analytics to gain actionable information from their big data? What impact does this goal have on Hadoop deployment decisions?

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8 Solutions’ business development team expands

8 Solutions, a specialist at increasing efficiency and mitigating against the risk of down-time in critical facilities, has further strengthened its sales team with the appointment of John Marshall as Business Development Manager.

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Equinix Insider - White Ops President & COO, Eddie Schwartz

Eddie has over 25 years experience in information security, including recent work as the CISO of RSA, the Security Division of EMC, and Co-Founder/CSO of NetWitness.

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Console Connect has launched the second edition of its Africa Interconnection Report, researched by...
Huawei has unveiled what it says is the industry’s first data center switch built for the...
The data centre expands EDGNEX’s footprint in the KSA and offers hyperscalers, content companies,...
Mercury Power has joined forces with one of Abu Dhabi’s top investment holding companies, Apex...
As the second largest managed health care company in the United States, Anthem Inc.’s primary and...
Why the database administrator must integrate with the wider IT team. By Gerardo Dada, vice...