IBM has licensed a broad range of ARM® Cortex® processors from ARM Holdings. IBM plans to offer the new microprocessors to its custom-chip clients; leading companies that build network routers, switches and the cellular base stations that enable pervasive wired and wireless communications across the globe.
Read MoreThe largest vendor-independent conferences on data storage, virtualisation and the datacentre see registrations from new regions across Europe.
Read MoreDer Innenausschuss des EU-Parlaments hat gestern mit großer Mehrheit für die Datenschutzreform gestimmt. Mit dem vorliegenden Entwurf zu einer neuen Verordnung zum Datenschutz sollen die geltenden Datenschutzbestimmungen reformiert werden, um die Konsumenten im Netz besser zu schützen
Read MoreHP unterstützt Kunden jetzt mit neuen Business-Process-Outsourcing-Dienstleistungen (BPO) für das Customer Relationship Management (CRM) per Social Media. Als technische Grundlage dienen HPs Mehrkanal-Analyse-Technologie "HP Explore" und der HP Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL, früher: Autonomy IDOL) für die Auswertung unstrukturierter Daten.
Read MoreEaton has helped advance the reliability and energy efficiency of radio and television broadcast stations throughout Bulgaria. Leading broadcasting service, NURTS Bulgaria AD, has installed new Eaton Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs) to protect the operation of its nationwide 700+ station transmission network during the transition to digital television.
Read MorePolystar, a leading supplier of service assurance, network monitoring and test solutions for the telecom market, has extended their use of Infobright(R) Enterprise Edition (IEE) to power big data analytics for improved customer insight management. Embedded into the Jupiter visualization application suite, which captures billions of records per minute, IEE provides network and mobile operators with real-time data access and investigative analytics for powerful insight into subscriber base...
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