Red Hat continues Cloud Infrastructure momentum

New offerings and leading benchmark result highlight Red Hat as a top alternative for organizations seeking to reduce cost and avoid lock-in on journey to cloud.

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10gen changes name to MongoDB, Inc.

10gen, the MongoDB company, is changing its name to MongoDB, Inc. The new name more closely unifies the open-source database project with the company behind it. The change is effective immediately.

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Netzwerk- und Sicherheitslösungen virtualisieren

Mit Fast Lane sicher in die Cloud: Neues Training „VMware vCloud Networking and Security for vSphere Professionals” 

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TIM erweitert Dell Portfolio um Netzwerklösungen und bietet exklusive Konditionen für Systemhauspartner

Das Dell Netzwerk-Portfolio rund um LAN-, WLAN-, Campus- und Rechenzentrumsumgebungen wird Systemhauspartnern im Zusammenspiel mit Servern und Storage als End-to-End-Lösungen angeboten. Zum Start gibt es zudem ausgewählte Switche im Rahmen einer Promo zu attraktiven Preisen

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VMware unveils next-generation products and services

Addressing the needs of organizations to simplify IT, VMware, Inc. has announced a wave of new products and services designed to help IT accelerate their adoption of a software-defined data center architecture and take advantage of the value of advanced virtualization in areas such as networking and security, storage and availability, and management and automation. The news was unveiled at the company's 10th annual VMworld® in San Francisco, where more than 22,000 attendees saw...

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Equinix Insider - White Ops President & COO, Eddie Schwartz

Eddie has over 25 years experience in information security, including recent work as the CISO of RSA, the Security Division of EMC, and Co-Founder/CSO of NetWitness.

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UK LOADBANK manufacturer, Hillstone Products, has developed a load bank solution to increase...
Schneider Electric demonstrates its commitment to the UK and its sustainable future by investing in...
The High-throughput DNA Sequencing Centre at Copenhagen University opts for a centralised,...
Reduces generators’ greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 90 per cent[1] and helps customers...
Quantum computing emerges as a powerful tool to increase efficiency and productivity, and improve...
VIRTUS Data Centres plans to expand into continental Europe with the construction of its first data...