Unter dem Motto „Wissen bewahren – Zukunft sichern“ präsentiert sich die Global Information Distribution GmbH (GID) auf der diesjährigen CeBIT
Read MoreNew products, licensing models and integrations with SDN and cloud platforms from Amazon, Cisco, IBM, and Microsoft improve business agility and lower TCO for IaaS cloud operators.
Read MoreDell’s open networking vision disrupts traditional model, enables rapid innovation by providing cloud providers, financial and Web 2.0 customers a choice of network operating system.
Read MoreRegional leader to support customer network transformation strategies to handle growing demands for connectivity and high-bandwidth services.
Read MoreAs the network becomes more critical in addressing the need to connect billions of objects, people and applications that form the Internet of Everything, IT professionals are challenged to deliver consistent high-performing applications, from the data center to wide-area networks (WAN) and local access networks (LAN). Many IT organizations are struggling with the size and complexity of their networks, performing manual device-by-device operational work, which is estimated to occupy as much as...
Read MoreCisco has extended its industry-leading cloud portfolio with new products and services – including a breakthrough hybrid cloud solution, dubbed Cisco® InterCloud, which is intended to lower the total cost of cloud services ownership for IT organizations and pave the way for interoperable and highly secure public, private and hybrid clouds. The expansion of the portfolio also broadens Cisco's commitment to openness and shows the unique value in the company's partner-led model.
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