Der Industrieverband der Mobilfunkanbieter GSMA hat eine Studie herausgegeben, in der bis Ende 2013 176 Millionen LTE-Verbindungen weltweit prognostiziert werden.
Read MoreUnternehmen müssen für eine vorgeschriebene Zeit revisionsfähig sein – unabhängig von Branche und Arbeitsbereich. Daten zu Geschäftstätigkeit müssen archiviert werden. Das Wissensmanagement ist auf eine geordnete Dokumentation der Prozesse und Verfahren angewiesen. Dies ist schon seit hunderten von Jahren so, doch im digitalen Zeitalter sind dafür neue Methoden erforderlich, die Aufbewahrung effizient zu gestalten. Spezialanbieter für Hard- und...
Read Moreinexio has deployed the ADVA 100G Metro for regional connectivity in Germany and Luxembourg. Operating one of Europe's fastest growing networks, inexio is harnessing the ADVA 100G Metro to respond to significant bandwidth growth from both its enterprise and residential customers. A long-standing customer of ADVA Optical Networking and Axians, inexio has benefited from the native scalability of the ADVA FSP 3000, gradually expanding its network infrastructure with customer demand. With over...
Read MoreCompuware Corporation has announced the results of a global CIO survey on the impact of new technologies and trends on the mainframe application environment. The survey found mobile technology is increasing complexity, usage and costs of mainframe applications. As a result, companies are finding it more difficult to isolate and fix problems. Nearly 90 percent of CIOs said they are using outdated transaction monitoring practices that don’t provide visibility into how distributed and...
Read MoreDelivers programmable, high-performance application proxy software solution that is easy to deploy and manage.
Read MoreGeo selects EXFO’s NQMSfiber system to maintain and manage its market leading service level agreements (SLAs) with current and future customers.
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