Executives overly reliant on compliance metrics to measure security programme effectiveness

Seventy-nine percent of IT security professionals report to executive management on compliance, yet 59 percent say threat detection metrics are most critical.

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Encode helps the University of Aberdeen strengthen security

Two week project streamlines security processes and enables detection of brute force and subtle network attacks.

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Exostar launches Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Solution

Exostar has introduced the  Partner Information Manager (PIM), a new, modular solution that continuously measures risk across a business’s extended value chain.  With the launch of PIM and its cybersecurity module, organizations throughout the enterprise – from procurement, contracting, and IT to compliance, security, and the C-suite – have the information they need to build and manage their supply chains, assess potential vulnerabilities, and initiate steps to protect...

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UK businesses unprepared for changing EU landscape

A third of UK data is stored outside of the UK, and moving it back to the country may cost an average of ?1.6 million for each organisation.

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Consumers are worried about their data in the hands of businesses

Survey reveals over 95% of consumers feel that businesses should do more to ensure customers’ personal data is safe.

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Cybersecurity Threat Landscape - 2016 predictions

The year 2015 has become widely referred to as the year of the data breach. What nefarious cyber-acts will define 2016? For the first time as a newly combined company, Raytheon|Websense cybersecurity experts has shared security predictions for the coming year. Researchers suggest to be on the lookout for:U.S. presidential election cyber-antics; cybercriminals pickpocketing the wallet on your phone; and an increase in vulnerabilities from the aging Internet, among other...

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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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Attackers using COVID-19 pandemic to launch attacks on vulnerable organisations.
UK companies need twice as long as German counterparts to identify new software installed on...
Allied Telesis predicts that management, security and optimization of infrastructures will be the...
The Identity and Access Management (IAM) Market continues to grow, with analysts predicting a...
Juniper Networks has unveiled Firefly Suite, a virtualised security portfolio that provides...
Ninety percent of surveyed security professionals fear that Meltdown-Spectre attacks are...