DDoS attacks 'more frequent and sophisticated in nature'

Corero Network Security has released the findings of its inaugural Quarterly DDoS Trends and Analysis Report. Through the analysis of customer data from the fourth quarter of 2014, Corero found that attackers are evolving their use of DDoS attacks to circumvent companies’ cybersecurity solutions, disrupt service availability and infiltrate victim networks.

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EPSRC and Innovate UK announce £5 million investment in UK cybersecurity research and innovation

Funding bodies’ support for Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT) at Queen’s University Belfast will help deliver a resilient and connected nation.

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Two thirds of UK IT professionals who are without an insider threat programme plan to launch one this year

Continual high-profile internal security breaches prompt a surge in preventative measures against insider threat.

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ThreatMatch provides early detection and reduces the impact of cyber security threats

Security Alliance has launched ThreatMatch, a new service that brings together current and relevant cyber threat intelligence with security monitoring, incident response and security testing expertise. By providing a filtered view of real cyber security threats at a global, sector and organisational level, ThreatMatch identifies improvements to security monitoring and incident response capabilities, and helps determine requirements for targeted security testing. ThreatMatch delivers early...

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UK businesses significantly underestimate ability to cope with full impact of a data breach

Almost 1/5 have suffered at least one data breach in the last two years .

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Less than a third of UK organisations are very confident in current security measures

Research released by IT analyst firm Quocirca, in conjunction with Digital Guardian, has revealed a growing crisis of confidence amongst UK organisations about the adequacy of their data security measures in the face of growing cyber threats. The research is available on the Digital Guardian site.

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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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