SafeNet Global Authentication Survey reveals more enterprises to adopt cloud-based authentication and mobile MFA to accommodate an increasingly mobile workforce.
Read MoreIm Zuge der NSA-Affäre interessieren sich immer mehr Unternehmen für Open-Source-Software. Der IT-Dienstleister Metaways klärt darüber auf, worauf sie im Umgang mit Open-Source-Lizenzen achten müssen
Read MoreBei großen Unternehmen wie Facebook [1] oder Vodafone [2] kam es im letzten Jahr zu größeren Datenpannen, bei denen sensible Kundeninformationen betroffen waren
Read MoreUnisys survey shows a nation divided on the question of personal data protection ahead of NHS’s launch.
Read MoreiStorage research finds that half of respondents at Infosec 2014 do not encrypt data on portable devices despite being aware of the potential damage to organisations. Research conducted at Europe's number one information security event Infosec 2014, has revealed that 50% of security professionals do not secure data on portable storage devices such as USBs and external hard drives. This finding comes despite 91% of respondents to the same survey expressing concerns about the potential...
Read More97% of IT professionals think passwords make their systems vulnerable to attack.
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