Cyber threats cause Irish stress

76% of senior leaders in large Irish firms worried about digital threats.

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97% of IT leaders say insider data breaches are a major concern

Egress global insider data breach survey reveals that 78% of IT leaders think employees have put data at risk accidentally in the last 12 months.

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Healthcare breaches impact millions

Bitglass has released its sixth annual Healthcare Breach Report. Each year, Bitglass analyses data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ “Wall of Shame,” a database containing information about breaches of protected health information (PHI). In 2019, these breaches collectively affected over 27 million individuals. Bitglass’ latest report analyses the breaches of 2019, compares them to those of previous years, and reveals key trends and cybersecurity challenges facing...

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Cybercriminals find cover in the cloud

Netskope has released the February 2020 Netskope Cloud and Threat Report, which analyses the most interesting trends on enterprise cloud service and app usage, web and cloud-enabled threats, and cloud data migrations and transfers. Based on anonymised data from millions of global users, the report found that 44% of malicious threats are cloud enabled, meaning that cybercriminals see the cloud as an effective method for subverting detection.

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SMBs not so secure!

BullGuard-commissioned research reveals small to medium businesses in the UK and US are at increased risk of data breach and cyber attack -- and 43% of SMBs have no cybersecurity defense plan in place.

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Phishing attempts grew by 640% last year

OpenText has issued the 2020 Webroot Threat Report, highlighting not only the agility and innovation of cybercriminals who continue to seek out new ways to evade defenses, but also their commitment to long-established attack methods. Most notably, Webroot observed a 640 percent increase in phishing attempts and a 125 percent increase in malware targeting Windows 7®. The report is derived from metrics captured and analyzed by Webroot’s advanced, cloud-based machine learning architecture: the...

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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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Conducted by the Ponemon Institute, the 16th annual study highlights that half of organizations...
New capabilities supercharge proactive risk management, threat modeling, attack path prediction,...
Without regulation, the IoT security threat will continue to grow in 2019.
New research reveals evolving threat tactics, the rising role of business email compromise, and the...
Global packaging manufacturer uses the Cognito® platform from Vectra to expose hidden attackers...
MSSPs identify regulatory compliance as additional factor as organisations seek to shift...