Tricky balancing act ahead

Leading industry association project 3.7% industry growth in 2020; identifies 10 trends to watch in the year ahead.

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DDoS attacks up 241% in Q3 2019 compared to same period last year

Neustar research on cyber threats and trends reveals continued increase in small-scale DDoS attacks, new threat vectors.

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A third of the world’s largest enterprises use inadequate data sanitization to prevent data breaches at end-of-life

Gaps in data sanitization knowledge and policies mean global enterprises are putting their organizations at risk of security and compliance breakdowns.

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Growing confidence and emerging gaps in cloud security

For modern organisations, digital transformation is increasingly the only game in town. CIOs are turning to multiple cloud providers in droves for new app-based models, driving enhanced business agility to meet ever-changing market demands. Yet security remains a constant challenge. Web applications themselves remain a major target for data theft and DDoS. A Verizon report from earlier this year claimed that a quarter of the breaches it analysed stemmed from web application attacks. So, what...

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Ransomware plagues the data centre

Datrium has released findings from its industry report on the State of Enterprise Data Resiliency and Disaster Recovery 2019, which assesses how organizations are implementing disaster recovery (DR) to protect their data from attack or disaster.

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Research into simulated phishing

CybSafe invites cyber security professionals to contribute to new academic research into the impact of simulated phishing.

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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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iKeyVault, a technology startup in the Cybersecurity User Authentication Space, a $10B plus...
The joint offering combines the expertise in Identity and Governance Administration from Omada with...
At RSA Conference 2023, VMware will showcase lateral security designed to better protect...
Despite the perception they are too small to target, SMBs are increasingly vulnerable due to...
Poor password hygiene runs rampant with 68% of IT leaders and end users admitting to reusing system...
Two in every five (41%) privacy professionals in Europe state their budgets are underfunded and...