Barracuda Web Filter models feature 10 GbE interfaces

Higher throughput and connectivity options on models 1010 and 1011 extend Barracuda Web Filter deployments in enterprise and highly demanding networks.

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Enhancing virtual visibility

Gigamon has announced enhancements to its GigaVUE-VM Visibility Fabric node to support Cisco and VMware virtualised environments. The GigaVUE-VM 2.0 release includes support for Cisco’s Nexus 1000V virtual switch and seamless visibility for vMotion events for today’s agile virtual environments.

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Investment in Open Source Technology to Increase Significantly by 2018

ore than half of UK private and public sector organisations will spend at least 20% of their IT budget on Open Source applications and software within the next five years, new research has revealed. The Open for Business study, conducted by IT service provider Reconnix, shows that 61% of respondents intend to invest 20% or more into Open Source, with the majority -48% - expecting to invest between 20% - 40%. 10% believe that their Open Source spend could account for as much as 60% of their...

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The sun rises on beautiful Skyscape: Cloud provider partners with LANDesk to help business growth

LANDesk Service Desk helps cloud company reduce downtime and better support customers.

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IT-Schulungsanbieter Fast Lane verbindet High-End-Training und kulturelles Vergnügen:

Interessierte, die während des Münchner Oktoberfestes vom 21. September bis zum 6. Oktober 2013 eine ausgewählte IT-Schulung buchen, erhalten ein besonderes „Schmankerl“. Neben dem IT-Training mit hochqualifizierten Ausbildern geht es für die Teilnehmer auf die Wiesn. Fast Lane hält dafür Plätze im Zelt des berühmten Münchner Feinkostbetriebs „Käfer“ bereit  

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Security-Lösung macht E-Mails durch Verschlüsselung blickdicht

SEPPmail lässt staatliche Datenspäher auflaufen

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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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