Barracuda Networks teams with channel partners to teach Internet safety at UK schools

Big discounts and free training for channel partners, teachers and pupils makes using the Internet and social media at school safer, more secure and affordable.

  • Tuesday, 30th April 2013 Posted 11 years ago in by Phil Alsop

Barracuda Networks is working with its UK channel partners to make using the Internet and social media by children while at school a safer, more secure and more affordable proposition. To support this drive, Barracuda Networks will be offering attractive discounts across all of its channel partner levels.

Barracuda Networks is also offering the education sector huge discounts, up to 30 percent off, on many of its Internet security solutions that protect users from spam, viruses and other inappropriate online content. Such special pricing is designed to help provide UK schools with a more affordable way to address the potential online risks that face the 91 percent (1) of British children that regularly use the Internet while at school.

In addition to special pricing for schools and its channel partners, Barracuda Networks, in tandem with its partners, is also offering its customers a series of free one-day Internet and social media safety training seminars designed for teachers and pupils, as well as more technical tracks for IT administrators. For those schools that invest in Barracuda Networks’ flagship security product, the Barracuda NG Firewall, the company will offer for free its five-day technical training course ( , usually priced at £2,550.

As well as taking steps to protect children, these security solutions are designed to stop threats to the school’s IT system too. Children tend to be much more clued up about the newest ‘fad’ technology, such as the latest peer-to-peer technology for illegal downloads of music and video than adults. School networks are therefore particularly vulnerable to cyber attacks.

Jason Howells, regional sales director at Barracuda Networks, believes that supporting Barracuda Networks’ trusted channel partners with its discount offering will play a significant role in providing such a holistic approach, where all parties – from children to teachers to the IT staff - are involved, is the most effective approach to tackling the growing issue of online safety and security for children at schools.

He said: “Child safety and well-being is the top priority for any teacher at any school, but the pace of social media and associated Internet activities – from cyber-bullying to chatting online or gaming with complete strangers – feels almost impossible to keep up with. But, by deploying appropriate technologies and educating everyone involved – including the children - we can get closer to eliminating the problem of online abuse all together, while leveraging the vast learning advantages that the Internet and social media can offer.”

The free one-day training seminars available to schools will be offered through experienced Barracuda University Certified trainers and include:
• Seminar 1: How to be secure on social networks – for pupils
• Seminar 2: How to be secure on the Internet – for teachers
• Seminar 3: How to be secure on the Internet – for IT administrators
The seminars are designed to complement a school’s existing Internet-usage policies without impairing the extensive learning opportunity that the Internet offers.

Howells explained: “It is no good simply blocking children from using websites – it could interfere with their learning. Instead, surfing the Internet should be encouraged in a safe, but not overly restricted manner. The approach we’re taking, along with our channel partners, aims to strike the right balance.”

Every school owes a common law duty of care to take reasonable steps to ensure its pupils and staff are safe from foreseeable harm. This includes ensuring that pupils do not access inappropriate or harmful information via the Internet at school, and taking action to prevent cyber bullying. The school and governing bodies also have a duty to teach pupils about safe and responsible behaviour when using the Internet.(2)
• Report ‘National Perspectives’ from the EU kids online project at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
• Teaching Expertise -