Big Data Visual Analytics launches ‘powerful’ IT tool

A UK company has announced the launch of an innovative new IT tool, developed within the US intelligence services capable of making the complex simple and the hidden, obvious. Big Data Visual Analytics has the distribution rights to the visual analytics platform, which enables commercial, health and security-related organizations of all shapes and sizes to extract the maximum potential from the vast amount of data they hold, identifying hidden trends, events and behaviours.

  • Tuesday, 11th June 2013 Posted 11 years ago in by Phil Alsop

Easy to manage, configure and understand, the tool blends its user-friendly interface with cutting-edge intellectual property. With ultra intelligent algorithms designed to pinpoint connections between people, behaviours and events, Big Data Visual Analytics’ solutions see what that the naked eye and traditional data analysis tools cannot. The tool connects multiple disparate datasets which are held in different formats without the need to create a new data warehouse, allowing users to quickly benefit from the reams of data they hold. This groundbreaking new capability has multiple potential applications, from managing risk and solving crimes to monitoring threats and even identifying marketing and revenue generating opportunities.

The tool’s intelligence is derived from advanced algorithms developed and honed over the past decade for various National Security and intelligence applications within the US As a result, it offers powerful analytical advantages to those tasked with protecting patients, clients or citizens as well as to big businesses seeking to maximise their revenue potential through client behaviour patterns and trend recognition.

Chris Spence, Partner said, “It's estimated that 90% of all data in existence was created in the last 2 years. This is growing at a massive rate due to the advance of the digital age. One of the problems all organisations face is how to drive value out of the huge amounts of data and information available to them, considering the range of formats and locations this may be held in. Most IT organisations are fairly fragmented, with each function using its own systems which may not interact smoothly, this problem is further compounded when data held by other organisations is added into the mix.

“Borne of the need to respond quickly in the face of security threats, our tool reduces both the time and cost of investigations for commercial and security operations. It's a hugely powerful tool in a number of contexts, from protecting people to protecting assets.”

In a security scenario or the aftermath of an attack, Big Data Visual Analytics can connect various data sources to quickly examine connections and trends in data footprints. This can include such specific tasks as highlighting anyone appearing on the Automatic Number Plate Recognition System before non-simultaneous attacks, it would also highlight which mobile phones connected to nearby masts prior to the explosion, look at who was using their credit cards prior to the explosions and then cross reference this detail to see whether any of the individuals flagged have either recently entered the country; have an interesting travel history; appear on any watch lists; or are connected to someone who appears on a watch list. The tool has purpose-built analytical algorithms which helped to separate the noise from what is actually of interest.

In a public institution setting such as the NHS, the Big Data Visual Analytics system can be used to track outbreaks such as ecoli or more topically Measles by quickly joining the dots on a number of what could initially be considered, unrelated data points. The system is used in the USA to analyse multiple data feeds to identify, track and map health outbreaks. The system scans email traffic and Twitter feeds coupled with clinical reports to identify potential outbreaks including the source and probable likely spread of the outbreak. Closer to home the tool could have been used to identify the recent Measles outbreak in Wales far earlier than it actually was if it had been deployed across a number of GP systems monitoring such data items as presenting problems, laboratory results and prescribed medications.

Use cases for commercial organisations are almost unlimited due to the many different ways existing data can be empowered. One example would be a credit card company which can use the system to spot that a customer is using their card in the UK one day and overseas the next. The solution enables the credit card company to search its records to see whether the customer used its travel services. If it’s found that the customer didn't use the available travel service, then additional marketing effort would be expended on that customer in an effort to achieve their future business.

Mr Spence added, “What really makes the tool stand out is it’s ease of use, organisations love the fact that you don’t need to be an expert data scientist to make full use of the tool. This is particularly important considering that it’s estimated that 75% of all data scientist positions will be unfilled by 2016 due to demand outpacing the availability of this important skill set.”

The tool is also easy to install and configure, it’s possible to have the tool up and running within hours and days as opposed to the weeks and months which are required by other tool sets.