The cloud marketplace is a compute trading platform that aims to drive more efficiency in purchasing and computing utilization by creating a liquid market of different supply and demand-side participants. CloudSigma’s existing utility approach to computing for public cloud made it an ideal company to participate as an early adopter.
Publically announced today, the Deutsche Börse Cloud Exchange allows compute and storage to be traded on an exchange the same way that other commodities, such as oil or gas, are. By creating a liquid market for computing and storage, participants can easily buy capacity for ad-hoc needs, while suppliers can sell down. In addition to purchasing capacity directly, suppliers can also trade among themselves. For example, if a customer of another cloud provider wanted capacity in a location not serviced by that provider, such as Zurich, the company could easily purchase it from CloudSigma via the trading platform and vice versa.
“Participating in Deutsche Börse’s vendor-neutral platform for IaaS cloud computing products was a no-brainer,” said Robert Jenkins, CEO of CloudSigma. “CloudSigma was founded on the idea that computing power should become ubiquitous, convenient and shaped by user requirements. Trading compute on one of the leading financial exchanges is really a great market validation of what we’ve already been working toward and will help to further drive innovation in computing.”
“We are happy to have CloudSigma on board,” said Michael Osterloh, member of the executive board of Deutsche Börse Cloud Exchange AG. “As one of the advanced and quite visionary cloud providers, they have been contributing very constructively as an early adopter.”
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