Red Hat advances OpenShift Enterprise

OpenShift Enterprise 1.2 offers enhanced partner extensibility and improved developer productivity.

  • Monday, 15th July 2013 Posted 11 years ago in by Phil Alsop

Red Hat, Inc. has announced advancements to its award-winning, private Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering, OpenShift Enterprise. OpenShift Enterprise 1.2 is now available for deployment within on-premise datacenters or in private, public, or hybrid clouds with updated pluggable technology cartridges and other enhancements. The updates to OpenShift Enterprise 1.2 continue Red Hat’s commitment to enhance developer productivity and IT service delivery with PaaS offerings that enable developers to design and code applications without losing time on technology integration. With OpenShift Enterprise and the company’s recently announced, commercially available public PaaS offering, OpenShift Online, Red Hat is the only enterprise software company with public and private open source PaaS offerings. The strength and value of the OpenShift platform continues to be demonstrated through adoption by global systems integrators, leading edge start-ups, and large established enterprises.

OpenShift Enterprise is a versatile platform for application development, operations, and IT architecture as it provides users with access to a cloud-based application platform built on a trusted stack of open source Red Hat technologies, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux, JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, and OpenShift Origin, the upstream code that powers both OpenShift Enterprise and OpenShift Online. OpenShift Enterprise automates much of the provisioning and systems management of the application platform stack in a way that enables the IT team to more easily meet growing business demands for new application services. OpenShift Enterprise also provides an on-demand, elastic, scalable, and fully configured application development, testing and hosting environment for application developers so that they can focus on coding these new application services. With its unique Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) approach to handling secure multitenancy, OpenShift Enterprise also offers reliable security and multi-tenancy with the ability to subdivide the operating system instances for efficiency.

In a recent report titled, “The Benefits and Significance of Private Platform as a Service” sponsored by Red Hat, IDC’s group vice president of Application Development and Deployment, Stephen Hendrick noted, “Red Hat's private PaaS does an effective job of mitigating security concerns while allowing enterprises to maintain high application densities and utilization rates and improve developer productivity. These characteristics enable OpenShift Enterprise to provide an optimal combination of security and efficiency at exactly the right time.”

OpenShift Enterprise 1.2 includes several new features, including:
ñ A brand new cartridge design and specification to complement the cartridge infrastructure within OpenShift: This new feature enables OpenShift Enterprise customers and partners to make additional technology services available to developers in a self-service fashion. In June, Red Hat announced the new cartridge specification and collaboration with OpenShift ecosystem partners to enable tighter integration with complementary partners including 10gen, Codenvy, Correlsense, EnterpriseDB,, MongoLab, New Relic, OC Systems, and Zend. OpenShift Enterprise 1.2 brings the new cartridge specification and these partner capabilities to Red Hat's on-premise private PaaS customers.

ñ In addition to the cartridges, OpenShift Enterprise 1.2 offers the added ability to create Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) subdomains and take advantage of WebSocket for additional networking support, enabling customers and developers to implement cloud solutions that focus on the code and accelerate their applications’ time to market.