C2C Supports Windows 8, Outlook 2013 and Internet Explorer 10

C2C says that its ArchiveOne Enterprise now supports the latest versions of Microsoft Windows and Office, including Windows 8, Outlook 2013 and Internet Explorer 10. C2C has also announced support for Windows Server 2012 and SQL Server 2012, enabling customers to deploy ArchiveOne Enterprise on Microsoft’s latest server and database platforms.

  • Wednesday, 17th July 2013 Posted 11 years ago in by Phil Alsop

“With our latest release of ArchiveOne we have enhanced interoperability with each of Microsoft’s newest desktop and server platforms so that customers can always be assured of optimal platform support and compatibility,” said Dave Hunt, CEO, C2C Systems. “In addition, our latest release includes a range of enhancements that are in direct response to customer feedback, underscoring our ongoing commitment to product investments that benefit both existing customers as well as addressing new customer requirements.”

C2C’s ArchiveOne Enterprise is a comprehensive email archiving and information management platform that gives companies the tools they need to streamline their email environment, comply with various regulatory bodies and enable the discovery of live, PST and archive data. It has been designed for the “real world” where email data may reside on Exchange servers as well as network file servers and end user systems, and, where it is not feasible to archive all email data before enforcing retention or searching messages. This “real world” approach separates ArchiveOne Enterprise from the competition because it aligns with IT organizations and drives efficiency into their daily activities – rather than change them.