Fit appliances for DR in the cloud

IceWEB Storage has an answer to building disaster recovery solutions in the cloud – Unified Data Storage appliances

  • Thursday, 15th August 2013 Posted 11 years ago in by Phil Alsop

One of the key storage issues for users of cloud-delivered services, particularly if operating a private or hybrid cloud, is the provision disaster recovery resources. One solution now gaining some traction is the use of storage appliances dedicated to providing DR capabilities.

This is the route that is available IceWEB Storage Corporation, a US-based company that specialises in Unified Data Storage appliances for cloud and virtual environments. The typical infrastructure is to utilise at least two of its IceSTORM Data Storage appliances running the company’s asynchronous replication technology. This then replicates data between the sites as a part of a disaster recovery strategy.

IceWeb’s technology also provides the ability to create Zero Copy Clones from a previous snapshot to recover lost data as well as our ability to encrypt the data in transit. This saves CPU time on primary systems, meaning that maintaining DR readiness does not significantly impinge on the performance of the production systems.

According to Rob Howe, IceWEB’s CEO, the company now has the right products that provide the right capabilities for Cloud Services of all types. The company has already won business in the US market for storage as a part of a disaster recovery strategy for critical patient records and medical imaging.

As well as the IceSTORMappliances the company also produces a secure, scalable for the Bring Your Own Device market, known as  IceBOX BYOD.