Oracle announces Big Data Appliance X4-2

Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2 is now available, providing enterprises with a comprehensive and secure engineered system optimized to run Cloudera’s entire Platform for Big Data, Cloudera Enterprise, at a low overall total cost of ownership. Together, Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2, Oracle Big Data Connectors, and Oracle Exadata form a complete and integrated platform for Big Data.

  • Friday, 15th November 2013 Posted 10 years ago in by Phil Alsop

Oracle has announced Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2, which includes the entire Cloudera Enterprise technology stack and 33 percent more storage capacity for a total of 864 terabytes per rack.

Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2 is a comprehensive Big Data platform optimized for both batch and real-time processing – utilizing Cloudera Distribution for Apache Hadoop, Oracle NoSQL Database, Cloudera Impala and Cloudera Search to satisfy diverse computing requirements.

With the latest release of Oracle Big Data Appliance, coupled with the recent updates of Oracle NoSQL Database and Oracle Big Data Connectors, Oracle is bringing customers the latest Big Data advancements and integrating these Big Data technologies with data warehouses. When Oracle Big Data Appliance is used in conjunction with Oracle Exadata Database Machine and Oracle Exalytics, Oracle provides the industry’s only complete architecture to store, manage and analyze all forms of structured and unstructured data while minimizing data movement.

Demonstrating its commitment for enterprise-grade Big Data security, Oracle is also announcing it is a co-founder of the Apache Sentry project to deliver fine-grained authorization to data stored in Apache Hadoop. With the Oracle Big Data Appliance, Oracle now delivers a complete Hadoop security solution including Apache Sentry and LDAP-based authorization, pre-configured Kerberos authentication, robust centralized auditing with Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall.

Oracle Big Data Appliance already brings customers significant cost savings compared to building an in-house Hadoop cluster – up to 39 percent. With the increased storage capacity and enhanced software capabilities of Oracle Big Data Appliance, customers can further reduce their total cost of ownership.