Carrenza accepted as IaaS supplier on G-Cloud 4 framework

Carrenza, provider of Infrastructure-as-a-Service cloud services, has been accepted onto the governments G-Cloud 4 framework, the fourth version of the Government’s procurement framework that went live at the end of October 2013.

  • Tuesday, 19th November 2013 Posted 11 years ago in by Phil Alsop

Since its inception there have been over £53 million of total sales have been reported through the G-Cloud framework, demonstrating the success of the programme to date and highlighting the government’s commitment to make central government savings by encouraging a shift to cloud computing commodity services.

Dan Sutherland, CEO of Carrenza says: “We were first accepted on the G-cloud framework under G-Cloud iii and being selected as a supplier for G-Cloud 4 demonstrates that we are delivering services that are seen to be of benefit to the public sector.

“This is supported by the recent announcement that we were selected as a primary IaaS hosting provider for GOV.UK, one of the government’s flagship services transforming the model of government online publishing.”

Like the G-cloud framework, GOV.Uk is delivered by the Government Digital Service (GDS), a new team within the Cabinet Office tasked with transforming government digital services and established in response to Martha Lane Fox’s report, ‘Directgov 2010 and beyond: revolution not evolution’. Their core purpose is to ensure the Government offers world-class digital products that meet people’s needs.